Friday, September 18, 2009

The power of Positive thinking

Are you tired or bored, what do you need they are 1. being positive 2.have the power of positive thinking 3. have a positive attitude, positive mind, positive thought, positive thought and you can do these also read positive thinking books, positive thinking Magazines, positive thinking cd
Well friend all the afformentioend are just to help you but you can do it your self

now read on and on and have tried and tried and tried but it didn’t work out well I tell you friend that what you need to get to the top is within you.
Do you know that the pattern of your mind positions to the direction where you can see clearly your future and your destiny and stand to the technique that will expose to the world that hidden treasure in you,which can take you to the top of your world. Now I want you to relax and think through this…………
Take a very deep look into the affairs of life and see possibilities for it is when you see possibilities that you achieve.
Dear, hope you took a good look at that above so let continue
Friend have you ever thought of this ”you don’t fail until you accept failure as your answer” hmmm sounds humorous well that is it in this life nobody fails until he accepts failure as an answer so dear will you the accept failure? Sure your answer will be no.
God has no intention that you should fail hence he said I know the thought I have for you thought of peace and not of evil but to bring you an expected and treasured end. This means you have the power to say no to anything contrary to God’s investment in you.
Pause and look
Do not forget that you which will turn around the world and do also know that, that you is in you.
Do you know that you have been destine to succeed in life, the way to go about this God’s given greatness is to believe that you have the key to this hidden treasure deposited in you by God also have it In mind that it is through conscious dedication. My friend stop waiting for someone to bring out that hidden treasure in you do it yourself because you know it better than any other person.
Know ye that…..

Until you go for a positive you will never amount to anything in life so get up and go for gold…

Now that you are holding this key to greatness, my friend desire to open those impossible doors that may bar you from getting to your destiny
Recondition your mind and your mental outlook, for you are holding that which it takes to get to the climax or zenith of life. Oh my goodness!!!! Here this refuse to accept the position of an ordinary person for you are created for extraordinary thing. Stop complaining, stand up and go ahead work things out if they don’t work themselves out.
I live with to think through …………………

It requires total uninterrupted commitment dedication consistency, perseverance and the highest of all discipline to become whatever you want to be in life.

Do you know that by working out things with your God’s given talent you have the capability of revolutionalizing your entire personality and bring you to lime light where you shall be a shining star.
Dear friend I tell you this day that there is nothing like failure,
Failure only sets only when you recognize and accord it with respect without knowing that there is something wrapped inside you by God which could turn you and your world around.
I also put this to you do not look for an answer to your problem elsewhere or from any other person the answer is right with you look inside you there is a package which only you have the key to that package is you, open it and find answer to your problem solve it and that of many other people “BE A PROBLEM SOLVER AND NOT A SOLUTION SEEKER”

Power, success, victory, achievement are in you, turn the light of search to see that they are yours and that you can get them if you really want it and this can be done through hardwork.
Believe in yourself you have what it takes to get to where you want to get to
Do you know that the exceptional stars are those who dig deep into them and bring out what make them and the world around them. What is in you can be promoted do something now and market it for everybody is expectantly waiting for your manifestation. Do not limit your potential you can do better than you thin you are doing, you know why because nobody can do it better than you.
Do it now don’t glory an little success keep on doing what you are do and it will make you a specialist in that ability.
Think through this
Strive for specialization for specialization attract attention.
Do you know that you can break order by your celebrated achieved fame and success…. You have what it take to make it why not stand to your feet and shine. Arise and shine, for your light is has come so it is your time to shine .
All am doing is to awaking that sleeping treasure in you because that sleeping giant can put you on top, if you can act now. For now is the time to the peak and now is the time for a change.
Fight for it with vigor and rigor to immortalize and invigorate your name in your time and generation that when you go you will still be speaking and changing life.
Friend make a harmony that will thrill the heart of those who believe in you and are expectantly waiting for your manifestation.
All the genius that have ever arrived have the same ability that you have the only difference is that they look deep inward and develop it and make it of commercial value. You too can discipline yourself and develop what is in you so that you too can also make it of commercial value. Friend I tell you, you can make it.
I live you with these few words to ponder over
• Do not give your weakness today because it will take your tomorrow
• There is no better time than now, strike the deal now
• Don be an obstacle to your destiny
Give deeper thinking to this one

Although many people say start small but I add to this you must end it big….
Friend i do like to know if after reading this you still need about positive thinking,
positive thinking magazine
positive thinking attitude
positive thinking book
positive thinking affirmation
positive thinking affirmations
positive thinking techniques
beyond positive thinking
positive thinking books

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