Principles of greatness
What is greatness? Greatness is been great. To be great is to be exceptionally talented, powerful and influential. God created all mankind to be great but can we say all men are great, no of course all mean are not great. Now why is it that all men are not great? It is because most men do not know the principles of greatness but that few who go far to use the principles of greatness eventually turn out to be great men and women both in our present age and in the yester years. In this article we shall look at those principles of greatness which great men use.SECRETE LAWS
Life does not give you what you deserve, but what you decide, what you want and what you are determined to have nothing less than.If you don’t stand for something, you will fall anything. Until you know what to reject you can not posses what you deserve.
The rejection of failure is the standing point for the possession of success.
Determine in your heart today what grades are unacceptable to you. What you will get from life, will not depend on the options available, but the choices you make.Everyday you will have the option to choose what is right or wrong, to be great or to be average, to excel or to fail.
There are two path on the journey of life; the path of frustration and the path celebration, choose these day to tread the path of celebration.
High achievers know what is important and do firs things first.“Do the right thing at the right time” that is the song of champions.
Whenever there is a clash in your activities, make the decision to turn down low priority one for a high priority one.
To be physically present but mentally absent is against the essence of learning.Concentration requires the combination of your body and your mind. Bring your mind to class with you.
Concentration is an art of blocking out every side attraction.
What you are reputed for is what you are regarded for the difference between ‘nobody’ and “somebody” is reputation.Be known for something great and then you will be somebody and not a nobody or anybody.
You have a name to protect and a good personality to promote live up to it with good grades.
Your reputation is built by what people see you do and hear from you everyday and every minute.
It is things you do consistently that produce results.Practice makes perfect. Practice how to make it to the top now.
Where you get to in life will be determined by what you do with your mind and time consistently. Consistency build your habits. Habit build your character and character builds your reputation. Build a solid reputation of excellence in all your endeavor.
Make a habit of achieving great results now, as a consequence it will be a lifestyle your children will thank you for in the future.
The kind of people you admire will determine the kind people you attract. You will attract not only their persons but also their results.Choose carefully what you admire, if you cannot admire that result, they don’t deserve your admiration.
Birds of the same feather flock together! Who do you flock with? Can you remember their last achievement.
There is always a price for the prize. No pain is gain. The pain of preparation determine the gain of celebration.Every success has a measure of sacrifice if you are not willing to pay the price, don’t expect to get the prize.
Bad association influence bad thoughts, which influence bad actions that result in bad consequences.
Remember he who laugh last, laughs best.
Focus creates blindness.Do the things that will cause your desired result to be natural occurrence.
Focus on what you need to do to get the right result.
what you repeat often, you will retain.A candle does not loose its light by lighting other candles. You don’t loose knowledge by sharing. You actually gain more.
No one cares what you know, until they know how much you care.
Those who learn with the intention of teaching others retain more than those who learn with the intention of merely knowing.
Lesson learnt from yesterday equip you for today.Lessons from the past can be invaluable treasures for the future.
Every notable discovery begins with a self-discovery.Know what work best for you. The greatest discovery ever made is the discovery of self.
There is no one else like you in the entire world. You are the only true original of yourself.
Appreciate what makes you unique and use it to the best effort to get the results you desire.
An attitude of gratitude will get you to the highest altitude. You feel gratitude but show appreciation.Appreciation is an act of from the heart, let your life show appreciation.
Whatever you don’t appreciate, depreciates.
If you take your education for granted, academic excellence will elude you.
Eventually people will always pay for what you know. And you will pay for what you don’t know.
Your earning power is your learning power. Grab the opportunity to set the right foundation for learning now!
Even with all the money, most people without education still carry the frustration of inferiority complex. Money can buy a degree but it will never buy the satisfaction derived from education.
Never take for granted the opportunity to get a good education.
A good education opens the door to the top. The value you attach to your education, will determine the value it will bring to your life.
Prayerful preparation prevent poor performance. With God all things are possible. If you work without prayer, you will be limiting yourself.Work and pray. Work without prayer leads to frustration. Prayer without work is self deception. So you work and pray.
“I have held many things in my hand and lost them all; but whatever, I have in God’s hand I still possess” MARTIN LUTHER
”No horse gets any one anywhere until he’s harnessed, no steam or gas drives anything until it is confined , No Niagara ever turns anything into light or power until is tunneled, No life ever does great thing until focused, dedicated and disciplined so said, a Christian writer.”
Matt 5: 16, says “let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father who is in heaven.
Zeal/zest, diligence, sense of responsibility, fear of God are some of the factors that lead to greatness and bring your light of greatness to shine before men.
Ultimately, greatness in life is contingent on many factors, but harnessing and utilizing the available potentialities and experiences of the elder generation is of utmost important.
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